Fleetwood mac albatross mp3

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In Green's biography, an early inspiration for 'Albatross' was said to have been 'a group of notes from an Eric Clapton solo, played slower.' Santo & Johnny's ' Sleep Walk' (1959) reportedly inspired Peter Green for his 1968 instrumental 'Albatross', although the composition also resembles Chuck Berry's 1957 instrumental ' Deep Feeling', itself derivative of the 1939 recording 'Floyd's Guitar Blues' by Andy Kirk and his 12 Clouds of Joy, featuring guitarist Floyd Smith. ' Albatross' is a guitar-based instrumental by Fleetwood Mac, released as a single in November 1968, later featuring on the compilation albums The Pious Bird of Good Omen (UK) and English Rose (US).

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Dutch single reissue: L–R: Kirwan, Green, McVie, Fleetwood (back), Spencer (front)

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